Oak Dale Fusion


What is Fusion?

Fusion is a 4-day summer camp for youth age 11 - grade 11. It is held at Camp Albryoca in Pocahontas, PA, and is sponsored by Oak Dale Church in Salisbury. Get the latest updates, learn more about camp, and see photos of past years at facebook.com/oakdalefusion.

What NOT to bring to camp

  • NO Electronics (smart watches, cell phones, tablets, handheld video game players, etc). All electronics will be confiscated at the beginning of camp.

  • Fireworks

  • Alcohol/Cigarettes

  • Knives / Weapons 

What to bring to camp

  • Bible

  • Casual clothing

  • Old Clothes and Shoes

  • Swimwear

    • Girls: one-piece or two-piece with T-shirt and shorts for outside the pool

    • Guys: trunks and T-shirt for outside pool

  • Jacket or Sweatshirt

  • Sleeping bag or Twin Sheets/Blanket

  • Pillow

  • Washcloth and Towels

  • Toiletries (deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc….)

  • Personal Items

  • Insect repellent and sunscreen

  • Flashlight

    Please note: All items may be subject to a search by Fusion staff, and Fusion staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items.